Want that glowing skin without the smash and dash? I’ll let you in on a little secret…. Vitamin E.
Now most of us already know the mega healing ability of this powerhouse little oil with the reduction of appearance of scars and stretchmarks. However, this is not all that this bad boy does. Vitamin E is high in antioxidants and is also anti-inflammatory making it an absolute must have for our delicious body oils and also our facial serums (it’s that good we put it in everything!).

Vitamin E oil is not actually a single vitamin, but rather a group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant properties meaning it can fight free radicals (the bad shit), help with fine lines and give you glowy AF skin in the same breath (just. bloody. amazing).
Vitamin E has been known to help soothe skin and reduce itching making it a wonderful ingredient for those of you poor sods battling eczema and psoriasis (I feels ya, I got it too). And you know what, your nails will also benefit from a few little drops to get those talons looking and feeling their bloody best.

So go on, go grab yourself either a facial serum or body oil and get rubbing. Your skin will thank you for it.